Cruise’s Kooky Comments Part 3. Cruise Causes Boycott Of His Film

Tom Cruise’s kooky comments on depression, psychiatry, ADHD and medications have created a lot of press for his film, war of the worlds. See Part 1, Part 2 and another one here.

They’ve also created a backlash against him and the movie he’s promoting. Probably by the people he’s been victimizing or those who know them or treat them. Someone has created an online petition to boycott the war of the worlds film he’s starring in. It’s addressed to Steven Spielberg.

Here’s scientology’s official site. Sometimes I believe the official version is not enough so here’s a few other people’s take on of what Tom Cruise is trying to sell us.

Non Official Scientology sites

Here’s one site with a different perspective on scientology than Cruise. has many very interesting articles on scientology. Here’s one page on their site listing of some (33) court cases against scientology

The table below is about 60kb in size and may take time to load. Be patient! 🙂

This website talks about 33 Sample Cases of Human Rights Abuses by Scientology

The smoking gun has some interesting things on Scientology’s leader, L. Ron Hubbard from his FBI file.

Back to the Boycott Cruise’s movie petition.

It’s at Here’s part of the petition. More than 5,000 people have signed it so far.

We, the undersigned, wish to inform you that we are compelled to boycott your movie “War of the Worlds”. Our decision is based solely on the abhorrent behavior of Mr. Tom Cruise. We will not be spending our good money to support the ridiculous and potentially dangerous antics of this raving narcissist. Mr. Cruise’s actions and comments have been offensive and insulting when not downright laughable.

-We do not want to hear Mr. Cruise’s uneducated and unsubstantiated opinions on medicine and Psychiatry. His mean-spirited decision to use Brooke Shields as an example was unforgivable. The potential impact on those in need of treatment, who might heed the advice of a ‘celebrity’ over a trained professional, is dangerous. If Mr. Cruise believes that vitamins can cure mental illness, then perhaps he should consider increasing his dosage.

-We do not want to be enlightened about Mr. Cruise’s ‘religion’ of Scientology. If he is so concerned about mind control, he should not be part of an organization that seems to use this tactic as its Modus Operandi. Mr. Spielberg, was the fully staffed Scientology tent you allowed Mr. Cruise to have on the movie set placed right next to the Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, and Muslim tents? Didn’t think so.

Many of the commenters seemed to be former fans who no longer want to financially support his films. I’ve actually enjoyed watching some of his movies although I’ve been occasionally irritated by his melodramatic overacting. Not planning on seeing this one.

Here’s a list of a few comments from those that have signed the boycott Cruise petition.

“Think Tom’s rebelling against what he needs most? Nothing that a little voltage won’t cure. In the meantime, my $ will no longer go to support any project he’s associated with in any way shape or thetan-ish form!”

“Tom’s rants on psychiatry are dangerous to those in need of help.”

“I used to be a fan of Tom Cruise, but I am no longer”

“Tom Cruise is an embarrassment to Hollyweird, and that’s saying A-lot.”

“When did Tom get his medical degree? Oh yeah !! he didn’t!! He’s a highschool drop out!!!

“I just can’t watch Tom Cruise anymore–he may oppose psychiatry, but acts as though he may need therapy!”

“I’ve never heard anyone so pretentious, and I will boycott EVERY future project that he is affiliated with.”

“WAS looking forward to seeing the film. Will not be going as a result of TC’s recent comments regarding Brooke Shields, as well as on other interviews. The man needs professional help.”

He’s now becoming a cartoon. Check out the free Katie shirts here

5% of the population has ADD. I don’t know the exact numbers of people suffering from depression but I know it’s higher than that.

How much financial and reputation damage could these people inflict if they started boycotting all of Tom Cruise’s films? How much more damage could be inflicted by them getting their family members, friends and a colleague or two involved? He’s certainly giving them motivation enough to do it.

What if the press starting acting like real journalists instead of celebrity ego strokers and started to look into scientology a bit more, is it really an organization that’s able to withstand scrutiny?

As I mentioned in a previous post, there’s a website called “Scientology Raided Around The World”. Here’s what they say their site is about.

This web site contains newspaper articles of raids, arrests, court trials, indictments, and convictions of Scientology’s ringleaders through the years, along with personal observations of individuals who were present at such raids while they were being conducted

Sign the boycott petition and read some of the very interesting comments on it. Some are just trash talking the trash talker, some are giving some really personal stories on why they think what Cruise is doing is so harmful to people, and how psychiatry, psychology and medication have been so helpful to them. Sorry for the extra long posts, most people will know that Tom Cruise’s comments are bullshit, but some won’t and ADDers have enough lies and negative stigma to deal with already.

2 thoughts on “Cruise’s Kooky Comments Part 3. Cruise Causes Boycott Of His Film”

  1. It’s interesting that Tom Cruise feels competent to comment on psychiatry, stating to Matt Lauer “You don’t know the history of psychiatry. I do.” Where did he learn the history of psychiatry? It wasn’t at college, university or high school, because he dropped out of high school. Perhaps because of his dyslexia — which he now says was cured by Scientology. His descent into madness is all very strange and oddly fun to watch from the sidelines.

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