What if Microsoft Designed the Ipod Box? Video

Hilarious video on what might happen if Microsoft designed the Ipod box

via Scoble who has a sense of humour.Robert’s comments? (sadly, he’s deleted his blog)

It hurts. Ouch.

How do you improve yourself? 1) Be honest with yourself about what you do. 2) Repeat.

Honesty hurts. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

I sold Macs for 7 years for pay, much longer for free, since I’ve had to occasionally use the ADHD  hostile, slow, ponderous, slug like, buggy, virus ridden windows operating system. Much better, funner and more productive to use a Mac:)

Why should I have to slow my fast processing ADHD brain down to do something in 7 steps on windows when I can do it in 2 on a Mac? Life is too short:)

See Presentation Zen’s Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and The Zen Aesthetic.

As someone who lived in Sapporo Japan for a few years and enjoyed visiting Zen gardens in Kyoto, I also appreciate Steve’s visual style as well his more functional products vs visual clutter, say yes to everything, say no to nothing, designed by a committee of people with no taste Bill Gate’s visual pollution style.

Here are some slides from Garr Reynolds post. I’d encourage you to check out his site to learn more about presentation, it’s very useful.

zen master Steve Jobs Apple Presentation


complicated Bill Gates Presentation clutter

Also this contrast between zen presentation and complicated visual clutter/pollution presentation.

As Steve Job has said “The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste.”

Steve Jobs Slides Apple on Intel


Bill Gates Bullet Points Clutter Slides


1 thought on “What if Microsoft Designed the Ipod Box? Video”

  1. This video was actually produced by Microsoft drones to help marketing see the problem with overbranding. It wasn’t supposed to get out into the public. I don’t have the relevant link handy, sorry.

    Microsoft has a history of producing high quality in house spoof ads. I just never realized they could be so funny. I hope the guys who made this video still have their jobs. 😉

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