The longest blog title in the world? Maybe:) Warning, political rant ahead.
For those of you in the lower mainland that believe that corporatism is not the way Canada should be governed, and that democracy is the best for our country, and that Canadian voters are relevant you might want to check this out.
Let’s send a message to Emerson and Harper.
Join us on a Non-Partisan…
Walk For Democracy
Sunday April 2, 2006Join us – your neighbours and friends, for a family-friendly walk and rally – rain or shine!
A chance for all citizens, no matter whom they voted for, to let Harper and Emerson know that democracy comes before political expediency. David Emerson must resign and a by-election held in Vancouver-Kingsway to restore our true democractic rights.
Remember April 2nd is the day we turn our clocks forward one hour
Here are some blogs that are trying to get Emerson recalled you might want to check out. via Mike Watkins
* Recall On-Line Petition 20542 Total Signatures so far
I was going to blog about this before but got a bit distracted by my preparation for my talk on Adult ADHD at West Vancouver ADHD Conference. Thanks to my friend and uber techie/consultant/teacher/speaker Robert Sanzalone for reminding me with his Emerson post here.
I blogged earlier about the Emerson-Harper scandal. Basically Emerson was a liberal cabinet minister who ran for reelection under the liberal party, vociferiously criticized Haper and the conservatives during the election, and after he got re-elected as a liberal said this
“I’m going to be Stephen Harper’s worst enemy,” he warned. “We’re going to stir the pot and you better believe we are going to make a heck of a lot of noise.”
He then betrayed the voters in his riding and joined the conservative party as a cabinet minister two weeks later.
When Belinda Stronach jumped from his party to the liberals for a cabinet seat, Harper said this
We don’t go out of our way to romance MPs to get them to cross the floor,” Harper said. “The Liberals will do anything to win. We are trying to create a principled party where people act in a principled way.
“We’re fairly cautious about encouraging party jumping because I think that’s the kind of thing that generates cynicism and frankly when somebody jumps once you’re not sure to trust them that they won’t jump the next time.
What a principled guy. The campaign against Emerson is non partisan, he and Harper have alienated members from all political parties, some of the strongest condemnations against it came from conservative bloggers, apparently they actually believed that Harpers slogan “demand better, vote conservative” actually was something more than rhetoric.
On Sunday April 2 starting at 12.30 pm gather at Kingcrest Park (Knight and 26th). Walk starts at 1pm down Kingsway to David Emerson’s office then to a rally at 2pm at Norquay park. Map, bus, bike and parking info is here.
Remember April 2nd is the day we turn our clocks forward one hour
Alex Boivin talks about why he’s involved in the walk for democracy on this thread here
I came to the conclusion that this is a very serious issue that affects everyone in our family and ALL other Canadians, regardless of their political affiliation. We, as Canadian voters need to take a stand, to send a message, loud & clear, to our politicians that we are not a use once, then throw away commodity. You, our elected representatives are accountable to us, the people who elected you not to the corporate entities that help finance your campaign, not to your party leader who decides your position in government and the perks that you receive, but to us, the average, on-the-street Canadian voter!
This isn’t just about the voters in Vancouver Kingsway getting screwed by Harper and Mr. Lust for Power Emerson, it’s about all Canadian voters. Are we irrelevant and easily stepped on and brushed aside without any real consequences? Will we allow some politicans to think that we’re too weak, lazy and subserviant to stand up to them? Or will we push back?
Hope to see a big turnout at the walk