Smoking During Pregnancy and ADD. Which Came First?

A study in Denmark finds that women who smoke during pregnancy are nearly twice as likely to have children with ADD.

After controlling for low birth weight of babies, poor newborn health status, young maternal age and low socioeconomic status, smoking mothers were nearly twice as likely to have children with ADHD than mothers who didn’t smoke while pregnant. Fifty-nine percent of the mothers of ADHD children smoked during pregnancy, compared to 35 percent of the mothers whose children did not have the disorder.

Different news sources covered this study differently. This one mentioned this important point.

One important factor the researchers could not assess was whether pregnant smokers had ADHD themselves, which might make them more likely to smoke, and could be the reason for the higher number of children in this group who were diagnosed with hyperkinetic disorders.

This may be more likely the case, since many adults with ADD don’t know they have ADD and may often self medicate with tobacco (which acts as a stimulant), alcohol and illegal drugs since all 3 boost dopamine, a brain neurotransmitter which is boosted by using ADD stimulant medications, and aerobic exercise.

I’d like to see how many of the women had ADD. It may be more accurate to say that undiagnosed and untreated ADD can lead to smoking.

That being said, you should definitely not smoke when you are pregnant, you’re forcing your baby to smoke too, and reducing the oxygen flow to your baby’s brain, putting them at risk for other health problems.

A British study found a “small but significant” link between maternal smoking and anti social behaviors as well as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Again antisocial behavior is a comorbid condition of ADHD, usually described as oppositional defiant disorder or conduct disorder (2 separate conditions) when young and antisocial personality disorder when older.

Again it’s not clear if the smoking causes it or the mother’s genes. Even if the smoking is not the cause it may make the condition worse.

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