Time Management Myths #2. If I Could Just Find The Right Time Management Book, Everything Would Be OK

This is the 2nd in a series of posts on the myths of time management.  I’ve noticed that many of my ADHD coaching clients often believed these time management myths and those mistaken beliefs have frequently made their time management worse.

Time Management Myths #2. If I Could Just Find The Right Time Management Book, Everything Would Be OK

If all it took was reading the book to be able to regularly apply what was in the book in our lives, we’d all be living in beach houses in Hawaii. Books can be useful, but what worked for the author may or may not work for you. Unless you’re a genetic carbon clone copy of the author, with the same experience, perception of experience, personality, work history, family history etc.

Take what you perceive as a good idea from the book, blog post or video and try to find ways to customize that idea for you, it will increase the odds of it being useful to you. The book, or video or course or teleclass can be useful but it’s not a magic bullet. Ideas are useful but only in the application of those ideas does the real utility and benefit happen.

Ignorance is not bliss, but there is a danger of continually looking for the next thing that will really fix this problem and all I need to do is to read enough books/take enough courses to finally get it. Self medication by information.

Some of us Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder get our dopamine hits off information and learning. They can be useful in structured doses, but they can also be addictive. Some of us with can get lost in hyperfocus just gathering and processing information. Whatever information you find interesting, the internet is usually an endless source of supply. I have a passing familiarity with this:)

The real value is applying that information.


3 thoughts on “Time Management Myths #2. If I Could Just Find The Right Time Management Book, Everything Would Be OK”

  1. “Some of us Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder get our dopamine hits off information and learning. They can be useful in structured doses, but they can also be addictive. Some of us with can get lost in hyperfocus just gathering and processing information. ”

    EXACTLY!! But why? Just gather information, and never have any way to process it, or care to, even. Whereas normal people collect the bare minimum to get on with it and move to what’s next in their lives. What’s going on here?

  2. Because gathering info is interesting and stimulating and boosts dopamine which we ADDErs don’t have enough of. It’s self medication. If you process and use that information it can be useful or even turn into a career. But it can be an addiction that can harm your life too, it’s how you manage it.

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