I was interviewed on Adult ADHD by Jon McComb host of The World Today show on CKNW 980 AM Radio, on October 23rd, 2012. It was just after ADHD Awareness Week. The audio is embedded below for you to listen to.
I enjoyed the interview. Jon was aware about what ADHD really was vs some in the media who believe in the stigma and misinformation on ADHD and perpetuate that stigma and misinformation.
I hope there are more people in the media like him. I talked about some signs of ADHD, and ways to manage ADHD. I mentioned how the BC Liberal Govt shut the only public Adult ADHD Clinic in BC in 2007 after a year long wait for an entire year.
Have a listen to the interview, tell me what you think.
I didn’t mention Don James the CEO of Harley Davidson Canada generously tried to give 3 million for 3 years to reopen the BC Adult ADHD Clinic and got the bureaucratic run around.
I get emails daily asking for people who can diagnose ADHD in The Vancouver area, especially in adults. Despite some vague promises by health bureaucrats, that BC Adult ADHD clinic is still closed. No other public replacement.
The BC Liberals abandoned adults with ADHD, no sign the BCNDP , the BC Conservatives or the BC Green Party would do anything differently for adults with ADHD.
Want it reopened? Tell your BC MLA know why it should be. Or contact your opposition candidate & demand they reopen it