BIL Conference in Vancouver. My Notes, Tweets and Photos From Day 1, Saturday March 21st

Update. Here’s my post on day 2, sunday of the BIL Conference.

I went to the BIL conference, twitter @bilconf last weekend, Saturday and Sunday March 21st and 22nd at The Imperial, the 2nd time they’ve had it in Vancouver, BC and live tweeted it from my @petequily twitter account.

BIL is an open source unconference like The Northern Voice community blogging and social media conferences that went on in Vancouver from 2005 to 2013. I attended all NV ones except the 2005 one. Highly recommend them if they start up again. BIL is the excellent non billionaire/millionaire’s version of the TED conference. BIL is

Open to the public and fully participant driven, our yearly gathering features a wild mix of technologists, scientists, artists, hackers, and those with a passion for community awareness, social entrepreneurship, and innovation.

Here’s a list of BIL 2015’s speakers and schedule.

Here are my notes, tweets and cell phone photos on the BIL 2015 conference.

I also went to last years 2014 BIL conference in Vancouver, which I enjoyed, especially Amanda Palmer‘s Ukulele performance & my private ukulele lesson from a different lady later on in the day. Amanda Palmer is a singer and performer of one of the most glorious live fuck you songs ever, the (NSFW) Dear Daily Mail. And a very good speaker too.

This one was even better than 2014, except for the sound guy who had the volume so loud on the main stage it was painful on Sunday. I asked him to turn it down and he did for 5 minutes than jacked it up to deafening volume for the rest of the day.

As an information junkie who uses info and learning to self medicates his ADHD, I’ve been to many conferences for decades & never had to use earplugs at a conference until that day. Saturday the sound was great. Had some nice chats with Cathy Browne, David Drucker and Rick Shetty.

The BIL volunteers were helpful and friendly.


Biohacker and tech serial entrepreneur Dave Asprey had his bulletproof coffee to try out in the lobby along with a table of his paleo products & information. Dave wrote the paleo book Bulletproof Diet, and since I’ve been eating paleo for 2 and a half months now (lost 20lbs) I checked out his website Bulletproof before the conference & especially liked how in his video podcasts he had links AND Transcripts. Transcripts make it much easier, since I can read faster than I can listen.

I only made it to the 2nd part of  Dave’s Hack Your Willpower talk, didn’t tweet it but did have an interesting chat with him later. Dave has ADD and has gone public with it. Wish more people with ADHD would, it would help reduce the heavy stigma on ADHD. He gave me some useful tips on paleo and on biohacking ADHD. He said many entrepreneurs have ADHD, something I agree with. There are also many advantage of having ADHD in a high tech career.

The Lifespan Society of British Columbia had a cool ultra violet photo machine that took 2 photos to see how much sun damage you had. See an example here. The MC who intro’d speakers on the main stage liked to hear the sound of his own voice a lot.

I tweeted some of the talks I attended and here are my tweets and some photos from my phone (not a professional photographer as you’ll soon see) for Saturday March 21st, Day One of The BIL Conference here in Vancouver. I’ve striped out my @petequily ‘s and the #bil2015 from the tweets. For all the tweets at the BIL conference in Vancouver just search twitter for #bil2015.

Here’s my BIL conference tweets and sometimes focused cell phone pictures.

For some of the talks I just took pictures and no tweets.

Dave Biggs Lessons from Don Draper: Community Engagement


If you get a mobilization of public opinion  you have a social license.

The first ? we asked people and the best to start ?ing people about the future is “what are your priorities?” and rank them

Kiosks work great if you put them in the right place. don’t put them into fast paced environments i.e. transit stations

Visuals= emotion, speed, memory. visual sinks into our brain 60,000 times faster then text = goes into long term memory

What does it take to engage the 99% vs stakeholders or same 10 people at public meetings? make it fast, easy , fun, important

Most people won’t show up to a 3 hour political meeting unless they’re unhappy with the proposal

“we’ve made it politically incorrect to talk about our political views in public” dave biggs. Not me:) see @pqpolitics

Boris Kerjner The Attentive Brain: Neuroenhancement for Productivity & Growth

no tweets, just photos.





Local daddy blogger Ricky Shetty @tokyoricky talked about his idea of #OneSimpleAction to help make the world a better place, vs the tradition I have to do something so massive and impactful it’s overwhelming and impossible so I’ll just give up and do nothing. Better to smart small and doable and complete something, you can always do it again or get more elaborate later, but the most important thing is to do something.

Go search #OneSimpleAction on twitter to see some examples of what others can do, maybe do your own & tag it #OneSimpleAction

Mandy Len Catron  @lenmandy To Fall in Love with Anyone, Do This

Didn’t tweet this one, but it was in interesting talk. It was based on her NYTimes article that went viral. She didn’t chose the title:) but that title I think helped it go viral.

Based upon research done by psychologist Arthur Aron and was quite interesting. This was his research article


Marina Adshade @dollarsandsex UBC economist Modern Love is All Consuming

I took some pictures but she has on the bottom of each slide “All rights reserved” so I won’t post them.

Lol rt @live_vancouver @dollarsandsex i’ve been looking for “consumption compatibilities” in all the wrong places.

Marriage today is for most people less about production and more about consumption compatibilities, the joy of life together – love

39% of americans think marriage is obsolete but the overwhelming majority of single people hope to get married 1 day @dollarsandsex

The pill helped change love from a form of production to a form of consumption

Women in the industrial era had a strong incentive to get married b/c needed factory worker breadwinner

Not from speaker from me. when i lived in japan, people talked about love marriages. vs the regular ones. economic & family raising

Not from speaker from me. in japan, I asked one of my esl students who told me about “love marriages” if her parents loved each other. “i don’t know” she said

There was a strong correlation between lack of development and people willingness to marry about love

Love is something we do, not something we experience

Intimacy is scary but the questions make it less scary and provides a mechanism to get there

Here’s my post on day 2, sunday of the BIL Conference.

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