ADD / ADHD and Technology

You’ve got to find what you love, Steve Job’s Standford speech

Apple founder and CEO Steve Jobs recently did a speech at Stanford University’s graduating ceremony. It was an amazing, inspiring speech, even if you don’t like Apple or Jobs it’s a must see. I’ve used Apple computers since 1985 and sold Macs for 7 years for pay, many more years for free. If you have

You’ve got to find what you love, Steve Job’s Standford speech Read More »

Attention Deficit Disorder fuels her creativity

Cynthia Gerdes’ attention deficit disorder fuels her creativity (sadly story’s been removed) and has boosted her business success. She gives examples of how ADD effects her, i.e., forgetting to put in some ingredients in a birthday cake, fidgeting in business meetings, and stopping in the middle of one task and getting diverted to 4 etc. “I

Attention Deficit Disorder fuels her creativity Read More »

Shopping search engine results vs. research search engine results

Yahoo mindset is a very cool new demo tool from the yahoo research labs for searching the Net. Thanks to Lee at the Online Marketing Blog for letting me know about this. This is what this beta tool does …applies a new twist on search that uses machine learning technology to give you a choice:

Shopping search engine results vs. research search engine results Read More »