Maybe the pattern is stronger than I thought. via Canadian Cynic
Conservatives confirmed what Green party leader Elizabeth May and Macleans.ca blogger Kady O’Malley blogged about when they saw the government lobby of the House of Commons.
When you walk in the door, all you see are pictures of Stephen Harper,” said Ms. MayI’d say between every window, in every available space of the wall, at eye level, every available space has a photo of Stephen Harper.”
“You’ve got photos of Stephen Harper, but not of previous prime ministers,” she added. “Photos of Stephen Harper in different costumes, in different settings, dressed as a fireman, in Hudson Bay looking for polar bears, meeting the Dalai Lama, even the portrait of the Queen had to have Stephen Harper, but in a candid, behind her.
This is not normal practice.
Liberal MP Mauril Bélanger said the Liberal lobby has always displayed portraits of previous prime ministers, even cabinet ministers. One Conservative said the Harper photos have been up for at least three months.
There’s other examples too.
The prime minister’s official Christmas card last December portrayed Mr. Harper looking out a living room window adorned with 24 photographs, small to large, of Mr. Harper in various poses.”
“When the party last year unveiled its election campaign war room, Mr. Harper stared out from campaign posters on every wall.
Canadian Prime Minister and Conservative party leader Stephen Harper has been called a control freak. He tried to muzzle the Canadian parliamentary press gallery. He has ordered his ministers and deputy ministers
to say nothing to the media unless it is first cleared by the Prime Minister’s Office.
This may be normal in a 3rd world dictatorship but not in Canadian federal politics. But when I saw a blog post by Jeff Davidson
that claimed that on the photo gallery of the Conservative party of Canada, (now deleted)
every single image posted on the site is of the Prime Minister
I couldn’t believe even Stephen Harper went that far.
So I clicked and found out my God, every photo but one (and that is his house) is of Conservative Prime Minster Stephen Harper. The main header photo, the video clip photo, and 26 of the 27 individual photos are all of Stephen Harper. No other Conservatives are the main subject of any of the photos. Here’s 3 screenshots of the Conservative Party’s Photo Gallery as of Jan 7th, 2007. It looks more like the cult of Stephen Harper party rather than a modern political party.
Here are the screenshots of Prime Minister Narcissist
The Canadian Liberal Party’s photo Gallery is empty. Boy there’s an easy joke there, but I’ll let it go.
In the US, on the Republican party’s photo gallery, screenshot here there’s 5 photos of George Bush, 1 of his wife and one of what seems to be a one white person, a black person and a woman, as if hoping to say they’re all welcome under the Republican tent. Sure they are:)
There was no photo gallery section on British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Labour Party website or Australian’s Prime Minister John Howard’s Liberal Party website.
Are the no other Tory MP’s, Cabinet members, party officials or party members important enough to put on the conservative party’s photo gallery main page? I know the Canadian Conservative party has more than their fair share of kooks that they’re embarrassed about, but they can’t be that many loons that they can’t find one or two to add to the party’s official photo gallery as the main subject of a photo, can they?
Is it the Conservative party or the Cult of Stephen Harper Party?
Yes, I had a look and WOW! It is so true! Not sure if it was Harper himself who DICTATED this or some very poor handling by volunteers in his online campaign. Someone needs to take a look and do something about this.
yes not sure who’s responsible. Strategically speaking, it’s not too bright to put all your eggs in one basket. All political parties showcase their leader but most are bright enough to showcase a few other prominent people. That way if the leader turns out to be a liability during the election you can focus on the other “team” members who are well known.
Interesting but not surprising. Stephen Harper was tapped to attend the 2003 Bilderbeg yearly meeting. (The Bilderbergs are a “think-tank” of the worlds most “important” government, business and media leaders plus the heads of Europe’s royal households.) It is very interesting that whenever a politician is asked to attend, they almost always become that countries new leader. If you’re curious what Stephen Harper has is store for Canada, check out the government web site , http://www.spp.gov (google–Bilderberg Stephen Harper)
One thing most people in “power” tend to forget or ignore is that they are accountable, not only to the people they often feign to serve; but!, to the power of the ONE who appointed them. conscious or not they will have to account for their choices and motives. There is no escaping that in the “end”
I googled Bilderburg/Stephen Harper and the only site that mentions Harper and Bilderburg is this one, which buys into the whole gag BS put out by a media used to being spoon fed the news by government.
I guess you’re not too good at using google Durward. Here’s the results I got from searching google for Stephen Harper Bilderberg
Results 1 – 10 of about 10,400 for Stephen Harper Bilderberg
That being said the Bilderberg comment wasn’t from me.
Here’s another interesting google search result
“Results 1 – 10 of about 78,400 for cult of Stephen Harper”
currently I’m the number 2 result, but that could change tomorrow or next week. Guess I’m not the only one thinking about this.
Two years after the post was written, and it’s all still 100% applicable. Granted, he’s the PM and the Party Leader, so he’s important, sure. Plus, by being the only person to announce anything it means that he’s the one constantly making public statements; ergo he’s always the one ‘making news’… however…
Dude! Delegate something! Anything! Even God lets us handle a few things sometimes!
.@TwainShallMeet see my post on the cult of Stephen Harper party http://bit.ly/12Uen8
U need 2 read This Jan 2007 artcle RT @petequily @TwainShallMeet see my post on the cult of Stephen Harper party http://bit.ly/12Uen8 #lpc
The Ridiculous Cult of Stephen Harper! RT@petequily see my post on the cult of Stephen Harper http://bit.ly/12Uen8 #HOC #cdnpoli #cpc
RT Disturbing: Stephen Harper http://bit.ly/12Uen8 #HOC #cdnpoli #cpc
RT @petequily: The Cult of Stephen Harper Party? http://bit.ly/12Uen8
@YukonGale @TwainShallMeet you might like my blog post The Cult of Stephen Harper Party? http://bit.ly/12Uen8 #cdnpoli
RT @petequily: @YukonGale @TwainShallMeet you might like my blog post The Cult of Stephen Harper Party? http://bit.ly/12Uen8 #cdnpoli
I did thx RT @petequily @TwainShallMeet U will like my The Cult of Stephen Harper Party http://bit.ly/12Uen8 http://bit.ly/TheTwainShallMeet
RT @petequily: @YukonGale @TwainShallMeet you might like my blog post The Cult of Stephen Harper Party? http://bit.ly/12Uen8 #cdnpoli
The Cult of Stephen Harper Party http://bit.ly/12Uen8 #Harperland
makes 1 wonder if King Ralph influenced King Harper?RT @YukonGale:The Cult of Stephen Harper Party http://bit.ly/12Uen8 #Harperland #cdnpoli
Wow, keeps his people in line… “@YukonGale: The Cult of Stephen Harper Party http://bit.ly/12Uen8 #Harperland” #cdnpoli
Good read @petequily's The Cult of Stephen Harper Party http://bit.ly/12Uen8 #cdnpoli
RT @YukonGale: Good read @petequily's The Cult of Stephen Harper Party http://bit.ly/12Uen8 #cdnpoli
rt @YukonGale Good read @petequily's The Cult of Stephen Harper Party http://bit.ly/12Uen8 #cdnpoli
Harper see himself above everyone in everything, one man band
Yes Inky, he sure does. L’état, c’est moi.