If you saw the excellent ADD and Loving It?! documentary and if you think you may have Adult ADD:
1. Take the 5 minute Harvard/NYU/W.H.O. Adult ADHD screener test on my website.
2. To get a diagnosis find a local ADHD support group near you to find a list of medical professionals who know enough about ADHD to diagnose it properly, sadly, many don’t. UBC medical school students get one hour of training on ADHD.
3. The best way to treat ADHD is multiple methods, there’s no one magic pill, you don’t “cure” it, you learn to manage it more effectively with things like Adult ADHD coaching, for practical daily skills for things like procrastination, trouble getting organized, being easily distracted, getting overloaded and overwhelmed, and time management. Also ADHD medications, exercise and meditation to help balance out the brain chemistry and increase focus etc. See Top 10 Ways to Manage Adult ADHD
4. Read the comments from other people with ADHD at the bottom of this post
Watch the movie ADD and Loving It! Online Here.
The great Totally ADD website that has a lot of useful videos on Adult ADD. Help pass the word around about the show, reduce the stigma.
Just a heads up. There’s a new documentary on Adult ADHD called ADD and Loving It?! tonight Friday at 8 pm (7 pm in Winnipeg, Regina & Saskatoon) on Global TV staring comedian and actor Patrick McKenna – Marty Stevens from the TV show Traders (who I greatly enjoyed watching) and The Red Green Show. It’s written, produced and directed by fellow comedian, Rick Green.
The film’s website is TotallyADD

Here’s their description of their film. You may want to let others know about this.
ADD & Loving It?! is a refreshing, witty and inspiring documentary about adult Attention Deficit Disorder
ADD & Loving It?! explores and explains the disorder by following Patrick’s journey for a diagnosis so he can confirm what he’s always suspected – that he has ADD. Along the way, Patrick and his wife Janis open up about their challenges and struggles, something Janis admits “we’ve spent our whole lives trying to hide.
Patrick notes, “Some people think the diagnosis is the kiss of death, while others think there’s no such thing; it’s nothing, it’s all made up.” But after talking with the experts and with ordinary people, as well as drawing from his own experience, he confirms that ADD is real. It’s genetic, it can destroy lives, and adults with ADD have a higher rate of accidents, addictions, suicide, bankruptcy, divorce, illegal drug use and financial problems.
Patrick uses his gift of comedy to demonstrate the three characteristics of ADD – inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. He uncovers the 18 symptoms used to diagnose ADD in childhood, and illustrates how these traits develop by adulthood. After all, adults learn not to bounce in their chairs during meetings, while kids in grade three rarely go bankrupt.
Janis guides Patrick through several ADD quizzes and their banter sets a warm, loving tone for the film. Patrick’s high score leads ADD expert, Dr. Umesh Jain, to diagnose Patrick with ADD. Patrick is stunned but begins to see his life from a whole new perspective and recognizes how much his ADD has cost him and his family. And realization becomes motivation. Now that he knows he has ADD, he can deal with it.
The experts interviewed are among the top names in the field of ADD in North America – Stephen Kurtz, Kate Kelly, Edward Hallowell, Annick Vincent and Margaret Weiss to name a few. No film has ever assembled such a powerhouse team. As each expert explains the details about ADD, he or she is backed up by at least two or three others. What you will see and hear is information from the most reliable sources on the topic of adult ADD.
The film creates recognition and laughter. That in itself is healing, especially for those struggling in isolation. Research has shown that laughter does improve health. While laughter may not be the best or the only medicine, it’s certainly the easiest to swallow.
If you saw ADD and Loving It!, what did you think of it? Who else should see it and how can you let them know about it?
I am currently watching the show on TV, i am 34 years old, just found out 1 year ago that I have ADHD after my wife decided to consult by herself since I was driving her crazy. We now have a very good relationship because we understand the disorder. I applaude you for taking the time to do this great documentary about ADHD.
ADD and Loving it Documentary on Adult ADHD Global TV tonight 8pm … http://bit.ly/10palQ
As someone with ADHD the show reminded me of some of the positive aspects of the disorder. It also reminded me that I need more coaching.
I hope that viewers who do not have ADHD came to understand how ‘un-fun’ life can be for those of us with it. The things that most people simply take for granted in their day to day lives can be torture for ADD people.
This program is a great tool in helping people understand that the condition has a physical basis and that people who have ADD are not simply lazy or stupid or some other thing that I can’t remember right now.
Wow is the background on this page ever a nice shade of blue.
Love the documentary. Have a son in University who was just diagnosed with ADHD but is not under any medication. His doctor had suggested that he has probably already established coping skills after all these years. However, if he runs into problems to see the psychologist at the University. Am curious to see how he will handle it. Perhaps that could be the topic of another documentary.
How can I get a copy of this documentary to send to my son?
Looking forward to your response.
Hi my name is Korrie Scott,I watched your show last night on global.It was amazing & such a relief to know I’m not alone.Now I want to know how do I fix it .Everything that was said was like Patrick&Rick were talking to me through the T.V.,like a lightbulb went off in my head.Oh my gosh I am so happy Patrick&Rick done this documentry.I got to tell ya,my life really doesn’t have a significant meaning.I have had adhd since I was young & now as an adult I still have it.I am struggling really bad,I don’t know what to do,I need some help from somewhere who knows what the hell i’m talking about.
I watched your documentary and absoultly loved it. I work for a mental health agency as a Child and Youth Worker in the school setting. I consult with teachers and EA’s and even with parents whose children are diagnosed with ADHD and I would love to show them this documentary to explain exactly what being ADHD means. Some teachers are too hard on these children and do not focus on their strenghts but will focus on there weaknesses. It drives me crazy when teachers tell me, ah this kids needs an EA because he speaks out too much or he can’t get oraganized or he’s lazy, he needs help. When they tell me this I tell them, yes they need guidance and you can guide them by focusing on the positive things he does or ignoring some things (pick your battles). So I guess what i would love to know is if there is a way I can buy a copy of this documentary and share this info with parents and schools.
Thank You…
Oh and by the way, it was a different documentary… it was funny and insightful.
Josee Bazinet
Child & Youth Counselor
HANDS the family help network.ca
North Bay, Ontario
Thanks for all the great comments.
Just to be clear. ADD and Loving it is not my video, I had nothing to do with it. I just blogged it because I thought it was a great idea. I wish more people would do similar videos. Let me know if you see any.
I’m not sure how to get a copy of the video, you’d have to ask the people that made it.
I hope they put it up on their website and on youtube and let others embed it on their blogs and websites
Bloefeld, thanks, I wanted a relaxing color of blue.
Korrie you might want to read this post
Top 10 Ways to Manage Adult ADHD
Thanks for the great comments.
For those of you who loved the video you might want to tell others about it, ie your doctor, school boards, community health clinics, employers and encourage them to show it.
I missed the first 20 minutes (argh!!) of the documentary but loved it. Janis is my new inspiration! Both my husband and daughter are ADHD and some days I struggle to keep my sense of humour through the mad searches through the lost and founds, driving the cell phone to my husband who forgot it, looking for the ever elusive wallet, the list goes on and on. But through the slip-ups and disorganization I have the privilege of living with two exceptionally creative, talented, gifted people who never cease to amaze me with their ideas and skills. ADHD is a big part of that. The documentary gave me a lot of ideas to infuse into our household, a lot of explanation for the by-product behaviour I see, but at the same time it gave me the support I needed to carry on. I did email Totally ADD to get a copy of the film – fingers crossed.
I cried as I watched this documentary. I was diagnosed with ADHD a few years ago as an adult. I have struggled with a life time of feeling completley misunderstood. It was such a relief to hear that the medications are safe. It was such a relief to hear that there are others to “get” what it is like to struggle with this disorder. And, it was such a relief to hear that there is “life” despite ADHD. It is very sad that this disorder is viewed as a kids disorder. The impact of ADHD is profound especially given the stigma that is attached to any disorder viewed as a mental health problem. ADHD is neurological although it often results in a mental health piece given the struggle to simply live. I watched this show with my husband who is terrifically supportive. Thank you so much!
ADD and Loving it documentary is getting a lot of love in the comments section on my blog http://bit.ly/1624Mn #adhd
ADD and Loving it documentary is getting a lot of love in the comments section on my blog http://bit.ly/1624Mn #adhd
ADD and Loving It #ADHD documentary video is here http://bit.ly/rRp0g till friday details http://bit.ly/1624Mn please retweet
ADD and Loving It #ADHD documentary video is here http://bit.ly/rRp0g till friday details http://bit.ly/1624Mn please retweet
@livingwithadd ADD & Loving It! video is available online now until Friday http://bit.ly/1624Mn #ADHD
* bit.ly/1624Mn
@livingwithadd ADD & Loving It! video is available online now until Friday http://bit.ly/1624Mn #ADHD
* bit.ly/1624Mn
I saw the show while I was at work. I couldn’t beleive it – I was so emotional hearing what was being said and what Patrick and his wife had gone through, the check list LOL. I have 2 children that have ADHD – the struggles we had gone through and the struggles the children go through, especially with school work – getting it done on time and then the real kicker – getting it handed in on time. I wish we knew those things when they were growing up. The show did make me feel better about their futures. I think it is about expanding on their strengths. Teaching them better ways to cope and function seems so attainable. All I can say is thank you so much for the show.
ADD and Loving It! video still online. Funny useful Adult #ADHD documentary http://bit.ly/rRp0g viewer comments here http://bit.ly/1624Mn
ADD and Loving It! video still online. Funny useful Adult #ADHD documentary http://bit.ly/rRp0g viewer comments here http://bit.ly/1624Mn
RT @petequily: ADD and Loving It! Funny useful Adult #ADHD documentary http://bit.ly/rRp0g viewer comments here http://bit.ly/1624Mn
RT @petequily: ADD and Loving It! Funny useful Adult #ADHD documentary http://bit.ly/rRp0g viewer comments here http://bit.ly/1624Mn
ADD and Loving It! Canadian Documentary on Adult ADHD on Global TV http://ff.im/-9Hz6W
ADD and Loving It! Canadian Documentary on Adult ADHD on Global TV http://ff.im/-9Hz6W
Congratulations ! This is what we have all been waiting for !I cant stop telling everyone about this DVD ! I was diagnosed 4 years ago aged 47yrs after realising that that was what was stopping me from reaching my potential and since I have had my meds my life is fantastic and I am so grateful for every moment !My son is 12 and was diagnosed aged 5yrs but I knew I wouldn’t be able to help him if I did not help myself !Your an inspiration to us all keep up the good work MORE MORE MORE !! Thank you very much to all involved !!Love Light and Angels always and forever !!xx
My first clue, was all through University professors asked me if I had ADHD. I laughed it off, but was told ‘you will find out.’ I am a classic ADHD’er, but atypical in that the hyperactive aspect is not as prevalent in women,- ( but it sure has helped burn calories all these years…lol) Learning about ADHD I saw my life explained. I am now able to make sense and have compassion for things I used to blame myself for. It’s unfortunate that a diagnoses had to wait until I was 45 years old, but at least from this point on, I can make an informed choice. Stimulants do slow us Adhd/add’ers down– long enough to actually think ahead and consider consequences!! I was informed that there will be a social network site that will be starting up for Add/Adhd persons to provide feedback and support for each other. Keep tuned in- God bless and never forget, you are worth it!!
ADD and Loving It! Canadian Documentary on Adult ADHD on Global TV – http://shar.es/ayxiR
ADD and Loving It! Canadian Documentary on Adult ADHD on Global TV – http://shar.es/ayxiR
. @nickmortensen ADD & Loving it is a documentary on adult #ADHD by comedians Patrick Mckenna & Rick Green http://bit.ly/1624Mn
Is there anywhere I can buy or download it?
Hi Cody try contacting the totallyadd.com website, they should know the answer to that
RT @petequily: ADD and Loving It! Canadian Documentary on Adult ADHD on Global TV http://bit.ly/I5zPk #fb
RT @petequily: ADD and Loving It! Canadian Documentary on Adult ADHD on Global TV http://bit.ly/I5zPk
I have a grandson who is 4 years old. His daddy(my son) had ADD diagnosed in early 70’s when all they wanted to do was drug my child into oblivion. I could not live with that. Now I need to know who and where our family can help our little guy before his self esteem is ruined. We are in Hanover, Penna. please help.
Actually ADHD meds are an effective treatment for ADHD if you give them an honest try, ie it often takes a while to find the right med or meds and then the right dose. Often parents who are afraid of using adhd meds on their children find their children find their own medications i.e., illegal drugs and have higher risks of drug addiction. I’ve heard more than a few horror stories of parents not wanting to give their kids the evil well researched medication and johnny turned out to become a crack addict or addicted to meth.
Check out my US ADHD Support Groups Listings and go to one of the meetings near you and ask who deals with ADHD in your local area.
I happened to check the channels at the right time tonight as I barely watch TV. I could not believe that your show was on and very excited about it. I have a ADHD teen son who I have tried to help through his whole life and solely I might add. His father would never learn about the condition and always bullied him. His father and I split up when he was 5 and I always thought it was very important for them to continue a bond but as I am finding out the hard way, I think he may of been better off all those years not to be involved with his father as I do believe it has been one of his hardest struggles with his condition. I have a great new boyfriend of a year now and he has a great amount of patients with my son. He has never been married and never had kids but I couldn’t ask for a more patient, loving man to share my son with. My boyfriend is very sick tonight so I do not dare wake him but I am very excited to beable to show him this show on the web. Thank you very much for helping with people learning about the conditions!! I wish there were more people who took the time to educate the people in the world as our family and friends have difficulties in life and people treat them as bad people and they are so totally misunderstood and are very smart, loving, caring, wonderful people!!! Please keep up the great work in educating all the doubters!!
I can’t say enough about the video add and loving it. It opened up a lot of emotion and thoughts from my past.
I’ve had a difficult time in the past 4 years since my separation .I’m seeking help but don’t feel the resources are available here in the okanagan.
I am adhd and would like some help in finding proper treatment so i can move forward with my life.
Thank you , Chris
Is this video on the web anywhere? It is no longer on the links provided.
Hi Chris don’t know any Okanagan resources, try the psychiatry dept of your local hospital and your local Canadian mental health association or learning disabilities association branch. I have a list of people known to diagnose and treat adhd in Vancouver you can get from here http://www.addcoach4u.com/vancouver/vancouverbcareadiagnosis.html
and we ADHD coaches work from the phone http://www.addcoach4u.com/adhd-coaching/adultaddcoaching.html
so location doesn’t matter
Ron look at the 2nd link in update section
An amazing video!!! Just saw this on Atlanta Public TV fund raiser. Where has it been (?) Wait—I know–in Canada! And where was it 50+ years ago (?) Wait—………..
Seriously, as one w/lifelong ADHD – ‘discovered’ (guess not officially) by family doc in 1950-something as ‘hyperactive’ & taking dexamyl & the like; forgotten (in the closet) after H.S.; re-diagnosed at age 60 along with my child at age 7…..
First thought was to wonder what ‘could have been’ had this video or something like it been produced years ago. In retrospect, my first child obviously had ADHD, as did my father (both deceased). While ADHD has brought great happiness and thrills, it has also brought equal sorrow, having won and lost jobs, promotions, family, etc. Now having had a heart attack, am unable to take meds [tried non-stim, but no joy there]; tried cognitive behavioral therapy/whatever, coaching – pretty much everything in the ADHD tool box – to no avail. So am back to self-accommodations, in the closet at work (to avoid the uninformed & deny-ers), and basic survival.
At least our child, who is gifted, has a chance to adapt and prosper and – through this video (and other videos…hint, hint…)- other adults can discover and deal with their ADHD going forward with some humour and dignity. And now with the genetic research evidence (is that too strong a word?) somewhere along the way the uninformed and deny-ers might get or take a shot at the reality of ADHD.
Thank you Rick, Patrick, Janis, et.al. – keep up the awesome work!!! Looking forward to the next installment of how to ‘really’ deal with it as an adult. I knew there was something about Canada….
yes it’s really great Ron,
please help spread the word about it. Too often the main people who spread info about adhd are the people spreading lies and stigma about it.
Have you tried coaching by coaches that specialize in adhd or just generic coaches? same ? on therapists, just like coaches if they really don’t specialize in adhd they can be ineffective to counterproductive for people with adhd. ie you just need to try harder, you just need to focus, you just need to want to do it.
you might also check out their website totallyadd.com
here’s some ammo to deal with people who don’t believe ADHD is a real condition
Wow. Glad that I found the program tonight as I was changing channels after TV got boring.
Years ago a friend of mine was diagnosed as ADHD. We were chatting about it and I was getting more excited as time went on. He told me that he had taken a test (70 to 100 questions) and would I like to see it. (I mean did I ever!) Long story short — I scored higher than he had!
I went home and looked it up on the web and went WOW! That’s me. This was the 2nd time in my life I said I am NOT stupid.
There were parts of the show that I cried over — they were such core things (being stupid, problems in school). Things I smiled over — being in the financial industry and thinking that trading was easier than managing people.
A year ago I took Dr. Amens (another PBS show) ADHD test. They don’t’ confirm anything on the website of course, just let you know “it’s possible you are” and to look further into it. I read his book and started taking trying some stuff he recommended. Now when I don’t take these over the counter things, like the last two days, I’m hyper to the max again; running around the house doing lots of stuff — too much stuff.
I really heard the part of the TV program where they talked about so many ADHD’s being diagnosed with aniety and/or depression — yet for me the meds (I have tried most of them under supervision) didn’t work; in fact many of them had the opposite effect on what they were supposed to do. I remember telling a therapist once that none of the diagnosis of me seemed to “ring true”. She thought I was saying that because I didn’t want the diagnosis — I told her no — when the right one is made that covers everything, I’ll be very happy. I’ll be happy when it has a name.
I’ve had a coach off/on for many years. Heck, I am a coach 🙂 Just today I was speaking with someone about the number of departments I worked in during my financial years. How when I got bored I asked for a transfer (and got them). Today I’m sure that I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing for 12 years if I did not “live through” my clients and their various business and take so many training programs myself!
My life feels better since I watched this show tonight. I feel that feeling of hope again. I feel that life will be better. My to do list includes two things now: 1) Further identify the specifics of a lifestyle that would make me happy, talk to my coach more about it so I can more towards it. (Great advice from the show) 2) Get diagnosed and determine what things would work for me. (More great advice from the show)
And I’ll add one more — contemplate changing my niche to be more specific — to work with others who have ADHD or ADD and happen to enjoy being business owners!
Thanks for the opportunity to write this all down 🙂
A number of years ago I found at a book sale, a soft cover book written by a man from Saskatchewan who in His 50s discovered He was ADD. I lent the book and never was able to retreave it. Since you are Canadian, I wonder if you know of it?
Welcome to the club Maria,
for most adhd adults meds do work if they try different meds and doses but from 10-20% they don’t work.
yes the show does show reality of adhd but does provide hope, check out the totallyadd website, lots of good content there.
Hi Lorraine, no.
I was channel surfing the other night and happened on the PBS special “Add and Loving It”. By the time it was over, I was sitting on the edge of my bed in tears. Every word, every suggestion, every symptom, was me. I am 55 years old, and have known since I was a child that something wasn’t right. I’ve been called “underachiever”, “lazy”, and “uncaring” since I can remember. I’ve been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, bi-polar disorder, migraine headaches, chronic fatigue; need I go on? Suddenly, there it all was in front of me. Thank you so much. I am pursuing this as though my life depended on it…because truth to tell, I think it may.
Had a friend thought I would love this
i just watched this documentary with my mom. i didn’t like it AT ALL. i *know* i have add. i have been diagnosed by my therapist, psychiatrist, and i have researched it plenty. however, watching this documentary, i thought it focused entirely too much on the hyperactive traits of the disorders (which are more common in males!). i started to think maybe i was wrong about even having add! i think the documentary focused too much on the host’s add. i mean, i know that was kind of the point, but people who don’t know much about add might not realize that characteristics specific to his adhd may not be the same characteristics of others with the disorder. especially because adhd in males is a lot different than adhd/add in females. some of his symptoms were pretty exaggerated and i could hardly relate. meh, i suppose it’s good to have some positivity about add out there in the mainstream. i guess it was better than nothing, but i can’t say this documentary was in any way a substitute for a book on the disorder. especially the ones mentioned in the movie! maybe i have just read too much about add in books and online and so this documentary just wasn’t as enlightening for me.
I turned on TV tonight to see what is on and was delighted to see this wonderful show that helps me understand myself, why I divorced my former husband and married a loving partner who understands me because he has ADD as well. Life is never dull.
I donated to WGBH because of this program.
Thank you,
I’m 58 years old and was just diagnosed a year ago. It was the biggest revelation in my life and has answered so many concerns. Now, I’m being treated and work is going better, I’m in gradeuate school, and I understand my self better.
I’m so happy for you Kim and hope now you will be able to help others awaken to their destiny ! x
FANTASTIC resource!! We’re dealing with our youngest and his ADHD diagnosis. He’s 10 & this is tough stuff. Thanks for ONE EXCELLENT tool here! I’m posting this site on my blog, “Charlotte’s ADHD Web,” because it’s worth passing along! Thank you. ~Charlotte
I found the information (from what I watched) very informative and very indepth and was looking forward to watching the whole program since I have been affected with ADD since childhood. However, I had to turn it off (after 15 minutes, much to my regret) because I became distracted from the facts by the poor attempt at humor by Patrick McKenna and his partner. He impressed me as a very nice,sincere and well meaning guy but I wish that he had not attempted humor…did not work…had he been more serious I would have gotten more out of it. This is not only my opinion, it was the opinion of the group of people that watched the program with me. I have found a solution that not only helps me but others who feel the same. My friend is a movie editor and has taken the film and removed the comments by McKenna via his editing software which makes the program more interesting and more informative. I hope that my friend can get permission to distribute this edited video (at no charge) to those who need help. I really enjoyed the edited version and I do intend purchasing his book as I think it might contain some valuable information and I have contributed to the educational channel here in Los Angeles. Please accept my comments as being sincere and very well intentioned and from a person who has previously worked on movies and has done movie reviews. By the way…this is the first program that really deals with ADD in a non technical way and in a way that is designed for the patient and not the physician.
I thought the documentary was good. Informative and entertaining. My single biggest reservation and what stood out for me was the loyal, dutiful, and seemingly unflappable Mrs. McKenna. Wow….what a wonderful woman. Makes the rest of us look real bad. So, help me understand. Married to virtually the same checklist layered between all the talent, love, humour and the like, she can honestly sit on a couch in front of a camera and sum it up by saying “Don’t sweat the small stuff”. How trite, simplistic and irresponsible. For as thorough as the show was to have the only voice as the loyal caregiver be that is negligent. A purple dining room indeed. Please. If they had to call the police to calm the man down in a public place, imagine the hurt, hysteria and stress at home. Hang on….I don’t have to imagine. I’m not saying it’s all doom and gloom but on behalf of the other spouses, partners and children living with someone with ADD, please. A more balanced representation of life with ADD should have been presented. Maybe that’s another show but don’t sit there and pretend it’s not a big deal. She knows it is and she should have either been scripted or have been honest enough to acknowledge that. I’m not bitter but I am damaged. There can’t help but be residual damage. Mrs. McKenna is either in denial, faking or, perhaps, possesses God like qualities. Either way, not a balanced perspective.
Well I wanted to put in my two cents!!!
Hello, my name is Ariana and I’ve been diagnosed with ADD when I was 4 or so~! I actually can’t remember haha. I’ve grown up with this, had to put up with people thinking I’m slow, or think I used my ADD as a crutch. But I will tell you wholeheartedly I don’t. I explain to all of my friends and people I meet about my ADD, what it is to me, so that when they stumble upon me forgetting something or interrupting, they can tell me about it so that I will know and I won’t be insulted if they get annoyed.
But… even being 21 now, having ADD all my life and knowing it, there were still some things I did NOT know were ADD, that is until I watched this documentary. It helped me understand that some things I thought were just me, were a problem with myself, was in fact something that other people with ADD have to deal with themselves. It was eye opening and I once again felt like I wasn’t alone.
I have also read through some comments that others have posted, and I see what some mean about it being a bit over the top. He was indeed making light and exaggerating a lot of the symptoms, but that’s because some of them are… Some people experience them to the extremes, but not all people do. I do believe, that if he hasn’t already, he should state that in the beginning of this documentary that everyone’s ADD is and can be different. Because even if it wasn’t for all of you, for me he was hitting home.
Also I found his humor entrancing. It made me chuckle and kept me staring at the screen, same with others I have shown the documentary to. But perhaps that is not for everyone, and we need different hosts for different audiences. Like I said, everyone is different.
So in the end I think it depends on the person what you get out of this. It is hard to pile everything about ADD into one documentary that doesn’t last hours… so perhaps they will make another targeting a different type of ADD, or someone else could make one. Either way, I found this informative, and several of my friends now realize that either they have ADD or understand my ADD better.
I watched this show and about felt like crying.
I was diagnosed in grade school but all I was told was “You have ADD, you just can’t focus, here’s some pills” and that’s it.
I never knew or was told how it affects my life, I just thought I was a a crazy, wild child that had focusing problems.
Later on after high school, my doctors told me I should stop taking the pills saying I’ve outgrown them, all I could think, “What?! does that mean now I’m just stupid? How did I outgrow it?”. Luckily, I found another doctor that was more understanding and made me feel was on my side, knew how it affects me, and let me know it was okay to keep taking the pills and if I wanted to stop, it was my choice of when I felt I was ready.
I kept taking the meds for a few more years until I decided to take myself off to see if I could function. I knew it might be harder to focus and started to write a to do list every day which did help.
I’ve also been doing research and talking with friends who were also diagnosed to better understand, but this documentary has been the most helpful and explained so more than I felt I ever could know.
thank you
Wow…some of you are really critical of Patrick and Rick. They have it, have struggled with it and used humor to get through it. I have ADHD, but some symptoms I don’t have at all while others are glaring symptoms. But I “got it” with this special. As one expert said, “You see one person with ADHD…you’ve see one person with ADHD.” I recommend this documentary to everyone because it helps others understand kids and adults that have struggled with this.