Do you know of any official ADHD strategy by any Canadian Province or US State?
8-10% of children and 5% of adults have ADHD, I hope at least a few provinces or states have an official ADHD strategy, especially for the many undiagnosed and untreated Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Please let me know of any by posting a comment with a link to the strategy.
Some provinces or states have an official strategy paper on depression or other mental health conditions.
Unfortunately the BC Government doesn’t consider ADHD important enough to have a strategy on ADHD despite it’s very heavy social and economic costs.
16 to 31% of adults with ADHD also have major depressive disorder. Dysthymia, a milder form of depression, has been reported to occur in 19 to 37% of clinic-referred ADHD adults, ADHD in Adults What The Science Says p 207. Yet backwards BC’s government doesn’t even mention ADHD anywhere in their depression strategy.
Here’s an outline of what BCs Provincial Depression strategy looks like as an example of what kinds of things might be covered in an ADHD strategy.
Executive summary
I. Purpose
II. Background
I. Rationale for the proposed strategy
a. High burden of disease and cost to society
b. Impact of depression on british columbians
c. Current obstacles and gaps
IV. Environmental scan
a. Prevention and early intervention strategies
b. Collaborative care models
c. Stepped-care approaches
d. Chronic disease management models
e. System-wide initiatives
f. Innovations in treatment
g. Expert search symposia findings
1. Depression in the workplace
2. Postpartum depression
3. Depression in children and adolescents
4. Depression in the elderly
5. Concurrent substance use disorder and depression
6. Cultural expressions of depression
V. A strategy for British Columbia
a. Principles underlying the strategy
b. Goals of the strategy
c. Key provincial depression strategy initiatives
1. Strategies addressing individuals at-risk
2. Self-management, family & community support
3. Strategies to enhance primary care services
4. Optimizing the use of specialist mental health services
VI. Gauging success
thanks Eva, updated my 2004 version of Teaching Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Instructional Strategies and Practices to 2006 here
but I’m looking specifically for official provincial or state strategies on ADHD. Know any?
Found one. Have my feelers out to the people who would know. Have you tried asking Peter Wright?
Connecticut ADHD Task Force, Report on ADHD, 3rd Edition, Spring 2005
Thanks Eva, good find. But despite describing adhd did they do any policy recomendations that actually got put into practice?