ADHD Author and Psychiatrist Dr. Ed Hallowell and Melissa Orlov are blogging about ADHD and Marriage while they are both working on a book on ADHD and Marriage. Great way to start to promote the book, while giving out useful content at an ADD friendly pace.
They’ve got some good content there. They’re also having guest authors do some posts. They’ve blogging using typepad, and there URL’s are set up SEO friendly.
One thing they should probably change is when people click on the header image (the picture at the top of the blog) by convention it should lead you to the blog’s home page but in this case it doesn’t do so but instead goes to the the Hallowell Center. They should have it go to the blog’s home page and have a prominent link to the Hallowell center on the side.
Here’s a few posts you might want to look at. Non ADDers should especially look at the choosing your responses and for ADHD males the household chores one is a must read if you’re not too keen on getting on the alimony payout track.
Choosing Your Responses Leads to Happiness
ADHD Marriage – I’m “Tired Out”
Women with ADD – Constant Communication May Miss Target
ADHD and Household Chores
If you have ADHD and are married or have an ADHD spouse, what are some tips that you would give out to a newlywed couple with one spouse who has ADHD?
Married 23 years to an A.D.D. male. He was my best friend, worst enemy, my soul mate, tore my soul apart, love of my life, left him to save “my” life. When it was good… it was awesome, but when bad… it was bad. He had the most tender heart, kind loving, then vendictive and hateful, a hard worker, great provider. We found out 16 years into the marriage on verge of divorce he was 100% A.D.D. possible Bi-polar. We finally had a reason, an excuse for his bad behavior. A.D.D. is not an excuse for bad behavior proven later.
He fought taking the medications that did help, he hated the side effects, he cycled every two months like clock work, from the most loving person, sharing and giving to being hateful, decietful with other women. He would lie to your face and turn around and admit the truth, then blame you if you questioned and tried to understand what was the real truth. When the cycle was over he was back to the wonderful man I fell in love with. He lied all the time but not about everything. I never knew what was fiction or fact from minor unimportant things to major issues. I forgave, tried to learn and stood beside him and for him, would have walked through fire for him. One day when more lies were admitted and laughed about, I woke up and realized I had come full circle, all my prayers, forgiveness didn’t matter, I had no more rabbits to pull out of my hat. The man I loved and still love to this day could not change because he chose not to. I left to save myself, I needed to know white was white, black was black…I needed peace to trust what my eyes and ears told me to be so, not distorted by manipulation. I wish nothing but the best for him, no harm come to him and that he finds happiness with his new life. I pray God protects him and has finally helped him find peace.
Advise for someone with A.D.D.; YOU have to want to change your life. You have to decide what is most important to you. You have to work hard at it, believe you can, fight to keep those you love.
I have not re-married, divorced six years ago. I still have scars and find it hard to allow someone close. I do not judge others by my past relationship, however the great things I take from it I will not settle for less…
Hi Ann, are you sure it was ADHD? seems a lot like bipolar, possible something extra, and some can have both. Hope you find a good therapist to help you heal the scars so you can have a better life.